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1 Days Suzhou Highlights from only $52.00
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Suzhou dining


Suzhou Food

Suzhou dining


Food in Suzhou

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  Huiyang Cuisine
The food served in Suzhou is what we called Huiyang Cuisine. Huaiyang dishes have a light flavor, retaining the original taste of the ingredients. They also have pleasant colors and pretty shapes. There are certainly many better gastric options available.
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Tours from Suzhou

China Oriental Paradise Tour from $569.00
Shanghai, an ideal "shopping paradise" and a famous historical and cultural city. An old saying as: "There is a paradise in the heaven, and down on earth there are Suzhou and Hangzhou".
7 days Read Details
Wonders of China Trip from $2,983.00
China top 5 destinations + Three Gorges + Tibet tours, visit Great Wall, Terra Cotta Warriors, Potala Palace...Beijing, Xian, Shanghai, Suzhou traditional gardens, cruise in Guilin.
20 days Read Details
  More Suzhou + China Tours

Suzhou City Tour

   Suzhou Highlights Tour 2 Days: From: $ 164.00
   Suzhou and Tongli Tour 3 Days: From: $ 249.00
   Wuxi City Tour 1 Days: From: $ 65.00
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