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11 Days Lhasa Highlights from only $0.00
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Lhasa pictures


Lhasa Photos

Lhasa pictures


Lhasa Photo

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Barkhor Street
Tibetan Family
Lhasa Experience
Drepung Monastery
Sera Monastery
Gandan Monastery
The Tibet Museum
Jokhang Temple
Nagqu Namtso Lake
Qinghai Tibet Railway
Yamdroktso Lake
Total: 16 photos  
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Lhasa + China Tours

Tibet Highlights Tour from $1,344.00

Full exploration in Lhasa city, and discovery of the diversity of Tibetan landscapes with Mt. Everest

Majestic Buddhist monasteries, lakes mirroring blankets of snow, stunning sunrise & sunset, local culture & life

Plenty of time to snap your unique and incredible photo of Tibet

Head out with us to capture the world of Tibet

8 days Read Details
Classical China Lhasa Train Voyage from $1,857.00
Explore ancient capital of Beijing. Fly to Lhasa, a place for mysterious Tibetan Buddhism, take 36 hours of Qinghai-Tibetan train to Xian, ends your voyage in morden coast city of Shanghai.
14 days Read Details
  More Lhasa + China Tours

Lhasa City Tour

   Discover Lhasa Shigatse tour 6 Days: From: $ 627.00
   Discover Lhasa tour 4 Days: From: $ 324.00
   Tibet Hightlights Trekking from Ganden to Samye 11 Days: From: $ 0.00
  More Lhasa day tour
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