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Jinan weather forecast


Jinan Weather

Jinan weather forecast


Weather in Jinan

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Weather of Jinan

Jinan is located in North Temperate Zone, and has a continental monsoon climate with four distinctive seasons which alternates quickly: Warm spring, hot summer, cool autumn, and cold winter. Among the four seasons, summer and autumn are the shortest that separately lasts less than two months while winter lasts five months and summer four months. The 60% of the annual precipitation happens in summer.

Rainfall varies greatly from month to month in Jinan, with the total amount in July and August, 214 millimeters and 147.9 millimeters respectively, accounting for 54 per cent of the year$$s total. This is clearly the best time to visit the often drought affected springs.
The average temperature for July is 27.6 degrees C, with no more than 10 days above 35 degrees C. It gets cooler in autumn and the temperature continues to fall, reaching a temperature of around 4 degrees C in January.

Compared with the surrounding area, winter in Jinan is relatively warm, the main form of precipitation being snow. From November to April, there are about 10 snowy days each year.


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