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Chinese Culture

Yunnan Yi Minority Torch Festival


Yunnan Yi Minority Torch Festival

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Yunnan Yi Minority Torch Festival

Time: June 24 to 26 every solar year

Location: Yuannan province Lunan Yi minority autonomous city Sichun County and Chuxiong Yi minority autonomous city Chunxiong County

Resourceļ¼šLunan Yi minority have a legend: long time age there has a BEelzebub. People were together and revolted him which use fire and sheep, they tie the torch on legs and horns of every sheep, drive them to castles of Beelzebub to win the battle. In order to commemorate this revolution, at the time of every June 24, local people use torch for celebration.

Activities: shooting match, horse race, bullfight are hold in daytime; and at night, people are hold torch dance around fire.

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