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Legend of Kungfu

from Beijing Weekend
2004-9-3 by Frederick Malouf

This is my first foray into the world of Chinese kungfu (Gongfu) theatre. Armed with me are three local buddies to educate me about the expected symbolism and cultural references of the performance I will not comprehend correctly. Instead of being a show of exhibition , I am treated to a story of colour, skill, and knowledge.

Kungfu has a long history in Chinese culture. While it is the martial art of warriors, the Shaolin monks master the art as part of their journey towards Buddha. The manifestation of their expertise to the public, wowing their audience with their masterful tactics and discipline, has won rave reviews internationally.

Since its conception, productions have been presentations of prowess and acrobatics, with the audience applauding at every successive display.

The Legend of kungfu moves ahead of the generic exhibitionist nature of performances to introduce a tale of learning, expressed by blending kungfu with modern dance.

A child monk discovers his identity through the temptations he faces in his journey to become the new abbot of the temple. The martial art ceremony and modern dance expression mould together to show the audience the monk's development to manhood.

'This is the first kungfu show I have seen wanting to tell a story and not be just a show of skill and exhibitionism,"smiled Wang Hui, a local friend who has accompanied me to the performance. "It's very interesting."

Without pause, light and fabric veil together into a painting of animation. Juxtaposed objects fulfil their promise by their anticipated movement to tell the story. Colours continually unfold, between kungfu masters and the dancers' eloquent movements.

The symbolism is explained to me: the repetitive knocking on wood denotes the ardour of meditation and labour. Not following this ritual is a refusal to conform and learn.

There are many Western faces in the audience, children awed by the breaking of iron bars over heads and swords sparkling in the light smashing into shields. Matthew Karbury, a foreign expert working in Beijing, did not expect the story as part of the theatre production; he is here to entertain children. A story of sexual temptation and monotonous drumming are difficult thing to explain to children younger than 10 years of age.

In between the fanfare of this historical display, the dance evolves. However brilliant their skill in kungfu may be, it is the dance that is inspiring. The methodical twirling of cloth strips to elevate your body above the ground still enthralls me. That this artist is meeting his lover in an aerial dance celebrating love and desire made me jealous; I want to do that!

Chinese Kungfu(Gongfu) During the kungfu segments, acrobats still look and bow at the audience, inviting applause at every opportunity. The athletic ability of the acrobats do not cohere with the story or give depth to the characters.

For the Shaolin, kungfu is a core discipline to reach enlightenment. To use the art in this way in the dance, and not separate it from the story, can show the true meaning of kungfu in Chinese culture. That this company is trying to show the skill is borne not just for exhibition is excellent. I am looking forward to the time when the acrobats will no longer feel the need to invite applause, let their skill mould completely into the story, and watch the silent amazement of the audience confirm how brilliant their performance really is.

Performances exhibiting the acrobatic skill have their place. A fusion of styles that promise unison is a step forward, where the meaning behind the arts will become the foundation to know and understand how this skill defines the men who lead the world to excellence.


Peking Opera Schedule: 19:30 (pm)-20:45(pm) daily
        Place: The Red Theatre.
        Address: NO.44 Xingfu Street, Chongwen District, Beijing

Ticket cost:
VIP (A): 680 yuan/ one person
B: 380 yuan/ one person
C: 280 yuan/ one person
D: 180 yuan/ one person
        If you need to reserve tickets, please simply send us an email:

Story of "Legend of Kungfu"

Chinese Kungfu(Gongfu)Thousands of years ago in a mysterious land called The Middle Kingdom, many legends were created, martial arts was one of them, made famous by its name Gong Fu.

In an ancient temple perched high on the side of a mountain we encounter a little boy, through practicing Zen Buddhism and gong fu, our little monk eventually grows and finally reaches the sacred goal of enlightenment.

Act 1
The little monk arrives at the temple, but being of an adventurous spirit he can not settle into the strict discipline of the temple. So his master demonstrates his unbelievable powers, and soon he realises that this is the only way for him, and so is initiated into the temple and given the name Chun Yi (the pure one)

Act 2
The little monk is studying Zen and gong fu very hard, he soon masters many gong fu skills, the years have passed by and the boy becomes a man.

Act 3
The razor sharp swords are created from the sweat and toil of the blacksmiths, after many years of similar toil, our monk Chun Yi transforms his body into iron.

Act 4
During any form of spiritual growth the biggest obstacle we encounter is ourselves. Chinese Kungfu(Gongfu)Chun Yi can not suppress his natural desires, and so chases the beautiful fairy he has created in his mind, and hence can not continue with his Buddhist practices.

Act 5
The monk Chun Yi looses his way of Buddhist practices, and so damages his Gong Fu. Once the illusion has gone, Chun Yi suffers from great remorse, and punishes himself and then mediates longing to be liberated from all earthly desires. Finally he returns to the path of enlightenment, he demonstrates his strong will and courage by breaking metal and stone with his iron body.

Act 6
Passing through the temple gate is a glorious ritual for a monk; he must achieve this final Chinese Kungfu(Gongfu)task to become a warrior monk. Chun Yi, having freed himself of his ego he now fears nothing; he and his fellow monks have demonstrated their courage and heroism in winning the battle.

Act 7
After his long and arduous journey his old master passes on the stave to him, and he becomes the Zen master, after the final lesson, the master lights the funeral pyre to celebrate the end of this life.

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