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Travel experience in china


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The train trip from Lhasa was an experience
  The train trip from Lhasa was an experience Dear Grace,
Well the trip went OK and fortunately the adverse weather in China did not interrupt our trip. The weather in Beijing although freezing was very sunny as was Tibet.  Allen was a very good tour guide in Beijing and looked after us very well.  Grace in Xian was the same and very informative on the history of the Chinese Dynasties. I indulged my knowledge of history with her which I think she enjoyed. Bella in Shanghai was also attentive and I also got her to smile at times.  She is quite serious. Mind you it was Chinese New year and what with the crowds I would imagine she was a bit worried about losing us in the throng.
Our time in Tibet was brief so the local guide there did not need to do much.  The only hotel I would make comment about was the Lhasa hotel which was a bit run down in our opinion. The other three were very good.  The food was OK but nothing to write home about. Coming from Thailand where food is a religion I guess its easy to be critical. We also though at times that because we were just a couple we were shunted into a back room to eat, which was a bit disappointing.
The train trip from Lhasa was an experience.  You get a bit of a headache at 5072 mtrs but the country side was cold, rugged and spectacular. If there is such a thing as reincarnation I don't want to come back as a Yak. We were a bit surprised to share the cabin with another couple but it was OK.  The couple were from Russia so we had a good time rubbishing Stalin and a few of his mates, plus a lot of other interesting subjects past the time.
All in all the trip was great.  Friends told us that it was the wrong time to go to China, but after having been to 58 countries already I never take the weather into account.  It is what it is, plus I never plan these things I just do it.  Hence the short notice for the trip.
Thank you for your kind email and rest assured that we were looked after all the way.
Thanking you,
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