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2008 Zhangjiajie Folk Music Festival

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2008 Zhangjiajie Folk Music Festival

While every country in the world is now paying more attention to the development of its own ethnic and folk culture and arts, the existence of global cultural diversity, in particular the music cultural diversity is a universally acknowledged fact. Against this background, the Chinese Musicians' Association (JM China) and the Municipal Government of Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province, China would co-organize the "2008 Zhangjiajie International Folk Music Festival", which is aimed at showcasing local musics of various nations in the world, promoting cultural exchanges and cooperation among different countries, and joining efforts to constitute a harmonious world.

The festival is open to typical and representative ethnic or folk music bands of different countries, amateur or professional. The maximum number of members of each group should be 12 (officials, team leader and other managerial staff included).

Preferably, the programs should be diversified in form, entertaining, interactive and good for performance in open air. For example, polyphonic songs, singing with live instrumental music, singing with dance performance, music and dance ceremony etc. The total length for the program of each group should be no less than 20 minutes. To ensure the good effect of each performance, we suggest each group prepare 4-6 individual pieces for separate occasions, each lasting around 5 minutes.


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