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Huangshan dining


Huangshan Food

Huangshan dining


Anhui cuisine

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Anhui cuisine

Anhui cuisine is one of the Eight Culinary Traditions of China. It is derived from the native cooking styles of the Huangshan Mountains region in China and similar to Jiangsu cuisine.Combining elements of cooking from northern Anhui, south-central Anhui, and the Hui-speaking areas of southern Anhui, Anhui cuisine is known for its use of wild game and herbs, both land and sea, and comparatively unelaborate methods of preparation.

Anhui cuisine dates from the South Song dynasty in Shexian County (the Huizhou Prefecture in ancient times). It's characterized by cooking all kinds of dainties. Huizhou cuisine does well in roasting, stewing, braising, and quick-frying. It's particular about seasoning and duration and degree of cooking, and advocates stock.

The famous dishes of Anhui cuisine includes Bamboo Shoots cooked with Sausage and Dried Mushroom, Royal Pot (Yi Pin Guo), Salty Local Fish (Jie Fish), Li Hongzhang Hotchpotch, Huangshan Braised Pigeon, etc.
Bamboo Shoots cooked with Sausage and Dried Mushroom
It is one traditional flavor in Huizhou mountainous area. Cooked with sausage and dried mushrooms, the bamboo shoots are more fragrant. It is delicious, and noted for its good color, juicy meat and thick soup.

Royal Pot (Yi Pin Guo)
It is said that Royal Pot was created by Mrs. Yu, the wife of the Ministry of Justice of Ming Dynasty. One day, the emperor suddenly came to the ministry's house for dinner. Mrs. Yu prepared a feast of fat things and especially cooked a Hui style hot pot, and the emperor enjoyed this dish very much and called it Royal Pot after he learned it was cooked by Mrs. Yu herself.

The cooking of this dish is quite demanding. Dried bamboo shoots are put on the bottom of the pot, then flesh lumps are put on the second layer, fried bean curd on the third, pork balls on the fourth and bean threads are covered on the fifth dotted by spinach or dried lily flower. Then all this things are simmered in water with seasonings. This dish is famous for its county flavor, and tastes thick and fresh.

Li Hongzhang Hotchpotch
This dish is a popular dish named after one of Anhui's famous politicians. Li Hongzhang was a top official of the late Qing Dynasty (1644-1911 AD). When he was in office, he paid a visit to the US and hosted a banquet for all his American friends. As the specially prepared dishes continued to flow, the chefs, with limited resources, began to fret. Upon Li Hongzhang's order, the remaining kitchen ingredients were thrown together into an impromptu stew, containing sea cucumber, squid, tofu, ham, mushroom, chicken meat and other less identifiable food materials! And the dish was incredibly delicious. And a dish were created and passed down to be a noted delicacy.

Salty Local Fish (Jie Fish)
This dish features the Jie fish from the local rivers and streams. After salting, it is braised in soy sauce. It has a very special flavor with the salty and scented fish.


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